



Convegno Nazionale ECM: ID 2157-229486
Corso rivolto a: Medical Surgeon (All disciplines), Healthcare Assistant, Biologist, Nurse.
Luogo e data: 6th July 2018, Ospedale San Gerardo, Monza
Obiettivo del Corso: The therapeutic pathways in managing non-small cell lung cancer are now extremely complex and articulated and start from a basic biomolecular evaluation. This evaluation aims to provide the clinician with the tools needed for precision medicine. A better knowledge about the clonal evolution of cancer together the understanding of links with microenvironment makes lung cancer a model to discover new ways to harness its devastating behaviour.
The international collaboration between clinicians and investment in biomolecular platforms are the key to truly effective and powerful research needed to ensure optimal targeted therapy for each tumor.
Crediti ECM: 8
Responsabile Scientifico: Diego Luigi Cortinovis: Medical Oncology Unit, ASST Ospedale San Gerardo, Monza, Italy

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Zoltan Lohinai, Ramesh Bulusu


Matteo Giaj Levra


Anne Claire Toffart


Marco Scarci


Niels Reinmuth


Jesùs Corral


Diego Cortinovis


Raffaele Califano


Marcus Pantarotto




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